Yes i know its still going on and a lot needs to be learned as Microsoft Partners mingle around to discuss the challenges, offerings, partnerships and never ending race of teasing each other with cool solutions.
While some of my colleagues were present at the Keynote – i was sitting at our booth and watching Satya live through the Partner Portal, yeah taking my own notes while majority is looking at him, glamorizing his vision and some diving down in depth of each and every single word he says.
I thought i should put out some of the things which he shared with us OR basically told us what our plans should include for the next one year 🙂
– Satya repeated what Chris Caposela of Microsoft has been telling everyone about since beginning of this year, Digital Transformation is the priority for everyone no matter if they are small or large scale businesses.
– Cost of Goods Sold, touchy but every aspect has to be connected bringing in massive opportunities.
– Stop selling and pitching O 365 and its high time to be creative. Don’t just talk about O 365 has this and that, start creating your own packages through CSP, try to make the experience as personal as possible, be creative, throw in a few intelligent cloud platform based solutions, focus on productivity and business processes.
– Bring in BOTS (Yeah i know) which gives a business and an individual the WOW factor, Conversations with a BOT. (Sounds wild and funny, lets see if this will happen in the near future)
– Yes, Microsoft is giving us an endless path to opportunities through Appsource ( It plans to heavily push the Partners to participate more and invest in it to make life easier.
This is a quick part one from me on WPC 2016 and feel free to drop by our booth # 234 for a quick chat on how Niteco can help you achieve your ambitions through Microsoft Solutions.